search for keyword: 'USSR'
Special scout knife (shooting).
Soviet combat knife, equipped with a firing device mounted in the handle. Designed for the SP-3 clos..
"Treasure Island". Map of Flint.
"Treasure Island" is a Soviet full-length animated-game television film, created by order ..
The story of the Atlas - 1957
the middle 1960's and the US knew that it needed ICBM's - if only to catch-up and confront the USSR ..
External news sources outside US confirms, Kamala is an idiot.
Democrats choose USSR style (party before people) politics in desperation as they trample the democr..
Russia will lose, the world, welcome to Cold War 2.0
The Caspian Report had a powerful and clear opening statement so I wanted to share it here. Simp..
McDonald's in Moscow for the first time ever
In leu of McDonald's suspending their restaurant chain in Russia, take a look back in history to whe..
'Kruzenshtern' - 4-masted bark, Russian training sailing vessel. Built in 1925-1926 at the J. Teckle..
Khelavisa - 'Salamander'.
Khelavisa (real name Natalya Andreevna O'Shea, maiden name Nikolaeva; born September 3, 1976, Moscow..
'Agatha Christie' - Kankan.
I continue to scare the Itemfix moderators )))) Clip with frames of the film 'Dream in the Red Cham..
'Agatha Christie' - Transylvania.
I am afraid that this clip will seem too terrible to the moderators, as well as {{bkorq7}} and they ..