Aereo si capovolge durante l'atterraggio all'aeroporto di Toronto
Immagini scioccanti mostrano un aereo rovesciato in un aeroporto in Canada, in uno schianto in cui s..
Brasile, filmato un giovane indigeno di una tribù amazzonica isolata entrata in contatto per la prima volta con il mondo esterno
Brasile, filmato un giovane indigeno di una tribù amazzonica isolata entrata in contatto per la pri..
39-year-old man arrested after fentanyl pills scattered on the ground while running from police
Salt Lake City - Ut. - A 39-year-old man was arrested after suspected fentanyl pills reportedly scat..
Bodycam shows driver rescued from burning SUV after crash
A Hyattsville, Maryland police officer rescued an injured person from a burning SUV after a crash ba..
Turkeys Circle Harris Gravestone
A man working at a cemetery in North Dakota was stopped in his tracks recently by the peculiar sight..
Rescuers save a dog after it fell through thin ice at a Kitsap County lake
----- Kitsap County, Wa. A Kitsap County sheriff’s deputy and a private citizen saved a dog from ..