search for keyword: 'Facebook'
Sfida tra giganti del mare: filmato in mare un incredibile e rarissimo scontro tra capodogli e orche
Sfida tra giganti del mare: filmato in mare un incredibile e rarissimo scontro tra capodogli e orche..
Volo Frontier da Miami a Filadelfia, donna cerca di urinare nel corridoio a bordo dell'aereo. Choc sul volo
Volo Frontier da Miami a Filadelfia, donna cerca di urinare nel corridoio a bordo dell'aereo. Choc s..
Ohio cops rescue piglet on side of highway after suspected fall from transport
A piglet rescued on the side of a highway in Ohio will soon be joining some pot-bellied friends. ..
Bodycam Footage Shows Officer Rescuing Raccoon With Jar Stuck on Its Head
Ohio police officers have rescued a raccoon that had a jar stuck on its head in Erie County. Body..
Pinellas deputy jumps onto empty boat going over 40 mph, stops it from running
A Pinellas County Sheriff's Office deputy donned a Tom Cruise hat Sunday while out on the water as h..
Bodycam video sheds light on scene where 12 dogs died after AC failure in North Florida
The owner of a kennel in Fort White posted an emotional video addressing the death of twelve dogs in..
Jacksonville police K-9 Huk 'in good spirits' as he recovers after being shot 3 times
Huk, a Jacksonville Sheriff's Office police dog, continues to recover after being shot three times f..
Lawrence Police Department body cam shows police officers de-escalated a suicidal situation
The Lawrence Kansas Police Department is offering resources to residents in crisis after police offi..
Violenza sugli animali, crudeltà e stupore: un'anatra viva, un coltello conficcato nel collo
COMUNICATO STAMPA Violenza sugli animali, crudeltà e stupore: un'anatra viva, un coltello conficca..
Female Officer Tackles Suspect Before Women's History Month Photoshoot
A female police officer in Orlando, Florida, spotted a burglary suspect and tackled him to the groun..
Driver’s claims of harassment and retaliation in traffic stop ‘patently false’
Sonoma County Sheriff Eddie Engram said Thursday that his deputies “did nothing wrong” while con..
Yeti Airlines crash recorded through Facebook Live
A purported video clip shows one of the five Indian passengers onboard the Yeti Airlines aircraft, w..