search for keyword: 'Taiwan'
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Un uomo salvato dopo 19 ore in mare dopo essere andato alla deriva al largo aggrappato al salvagente
Un uomo salvato dopo 19 ore in mare dopo essere andato alla deriva al largo aggrappato al salvagente..
Scary dust devil tornado rips through lorry park in Taiwan
This is the terrifying moment a dust devil ripped through a garage while residents looked on in fear..
Container crane collapses in Taiwan
Local news outlets in Taiwan have reported an incident at the country's Port of Keelung wherein an a..
Member of Taiwan's parliament steals bill
Taiwanese lawmakers encountered a strange incident on Friday, May 17, when a member of Taiwan's parl..
Earthquake hits Taiwan
A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the isl..
7-Eleven store workers holding door blown away by Krathon
Powerful Typhoon Krathon hits southern Taiwan..