
Sallisaw Police Captain stops vehicle in high-speed chase from running into a festival crowd

pic By: ThisIsButter1 (12517.00) Views: 4278 Score: 7 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 58 Downloads: 22

The Sallisaw Police Department (SPD) says a vehicle in a high-speed chase was stopped from driving into a festival crowd on Saturday, May 6.

According to SPD, Captain Weber and Officer Wesley McGuirt were both working during the Diamond Daze Festival when they received information about a police pursuit coming towards them.

SPD says the suspect was driving at a very high speed and ended up traveling north on Oak Street toward the event. Captain Weber and Officer McGuirt were the last lines of defense before the suspect vehicle would have entered the event area, according to SPD.

“It's what we all swear an oath to do, to serve and protect. And, you know, we definitely, definitely felt the hands of God with us that day, to give us the courage and also to go home safely,” said CPT. John Weber.

Given the circumstances, Captain Weber decided that they didn’t have any other choice besides stopping the suspect vehicle head-on. Captain Weber took action and drove straight into the vehicle, successfully stopping the vehicle and preventing it from entering the event, which SPD says would have caused massive casualties.

“I just knew that the action that we took had to be swift. And we had to make that decision immediately. And based on the totality of the circumstances of the information that we received, I knew that was the only thing that we could do to make them stop,” he said.

Chief Terry Franklin's statement on the incident:

"As chief of police, I am beyond proud of these two officers for the quick response and action that they took. I personally know that it wouldn’t have mattered what officers with this department were put in that situation. [Any of the officers] would have reacted the same way as Captain Weber and Officer McGuirt".

Captain Weber ended up with a broken wrist while Officer McGuirt got cuts and bruises. No information was released on whether the suspect was injured or not.

“I've applied here to work for Sallisaw for that reason. I live in this area. And I want to be able to help our community. And I think that's what we did. And we protected them as well,” said Officer Wesley McGuirt.

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ThisIsButter1 (12517.00)

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