
8M International Women's Day 👊🏻♀️

pic By: Trona Laika Ira (5351.30) Views: 10870 Score: 16 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 113 Downloads: 35

Fearless song
May the State, the sky, the streets tremble,1
may the judges and policemen be afraid.
Today, peace is taken away from us women.
They sowed fear in us, we grew wings1.

Every minute of every week,
they steal friends from us, they kill our sisters.
They tear their bodies apart, they disappear them2.
Don't forget their names, please, Mr. President3.

For our friends protesting on Reforma4,
for all women battling in Sonora5,
for the female commanders fighting for Chiapas6,
for all mothers that keep searching in Tijuana7,

we sing fearless, we ask for justice8.
We shout for every missing woman9.
Let it resound strongly: "We want us alive!"1
The murderer10 will fall fiercely!

I will burn everything, I will destroy everything11
if one day some nobody turns off your eyes.
Nothing will shut me up anymore, it's enough.
If you touch one of us, we all will answer1.

I'm Claudia, I'm Esther, and I'm Teresa.
I'm Ingrid, I'm Fabiola, and I'm Valeria12.
I'm the girl that you took by force13.
I'm the mother that now cries for her dead daughters.
And I'm also the one who will make you pay.
Justice! Justice! Justice!

For our friends protesting on Reforma,
for all women battling in Sonora,
for the female commanders fighting for Chiapas,
for the mothers that keep searching in Tijuana,

we sing fearless, we ask for justice.
We shout for every missing woman.
Let it resound strongly: "We want us alive!"
The murderer will fall fiercely!
The murderer will fall fiercely!

And the center of the Earth shall tremble
at the sisterly roar of love14.
And the center of the Earth shall tremble
at the sisterly roar of love.

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Trona Laika Ira (5351.30)

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