
Whistle while you work..

pic By: thecleaner (2141.90) Views: 17298 Score: 11 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 49 Downloads: 33

CAUTION: from the outset be aware this is Full-on specialist material - only suitable for experienced Gricers and aficionado's of the subject. Should you not fall into any of these categories you are strongly advised to bale at this point for it ain't for you at all {sorry 'bout dat}

Anyway, Class 40's' were known as 'whistlers' because of the traditional whistle sound from the Supercharger unit. Sharp eyed viewers will be delighted with the first Ochre Liveried Class 31 on the newly formed 'CONDOR Units' which was a dedicated daily (well, nightly) run from Birmingham to Glasgee utilising the new containerised units. There's also a tantalising pic of the Ice-cream-Van itself The new Deltic leaving The Cross on it's daily run to points north (Glasgee and Edinburgh}. The Class 40 used in the Great Train Robbery of 1963 is also shown... a veritable feast for those so enamoured but of no use nor interest to non Gricers or Tyre-kickers... but as stated it ain't meant for you anyway. You are best advised to stay away from the rail related gems from the British Transport Films Unit... after all what do-they know eh...

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thecleaner (2141.90)

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