
Bodycam shows officer rushing to a house fire after suspect sets it on fire with family inside

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Hamilton County deputies responded to an arson in which an Ooltewah man, while intoxicated, intentionally set his home on fire. Deputies said his family was inside the home as well.

The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) released body camera footage of the original deputy response.

On October 18, deputies went to the home in the 8500 block of Gracie Mac Lane. They received reports that an intoxicated resident had intentionally set his home on fire.

HSCO identified that resident as 46-year-old Jason Bryant.

Prior to this call, deputies had already responded to the home earlier. This is because the intoxicated resident, Bryant, was responsible for a domestic disorder.

Deputies said Bryant started the fire while his wife and child were still in the home. However, both of them got out safely prior to authorities arriving.

Hamilton County Deputy Giradot arrived first. He rushed inside with a fire extinguisher to safely help the suspect out of the home.

However, the sheriff’s office said that after more deputies arrived, Bryant started ignoring commands. They said he tried to strike one deputy, who then tased Bryant and took him into custody. The body camera footage cuts off prior to the deputy tasing the suspect.

EMS treated Bryant and took him to a medical facility. They also treated Deputy Giradot for smoke inhalation.

The sheriff’s office is charging Bryant with three counts of aggravated arson, aggravated child abuse or neglect, and resisting arrest or obstruction of legal process.

“Deputy Giradot’s swift and decisive actions in response to this violent, domestic incident highlights the exemplary service performed daily by Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office deputies across our county. As Sheriff, I am proud to work alongside the dedicated men and women of this agency who are focused on leading the way in service to the citizens of our community,” stated Sheriff Austin Garrett.

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ThisIsButter1 (12422.00)

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