
Police release footage of Pc commandeering bike to ram fleeing drug-dealer

pic By: ThisIsButter1 (10336.00) Views: 47368 Score: 48 Used: 0 Bookmark: 1 Shares: 73 Downloads: 105

Police have released body-cam video of a quick-thinking constable borrowing a bike to chase and take down a drug-dealer.

The footage shows Pc Lewis Marks jumping out of a van and thanking a cyclist before pedalling off across grassland in pursuit of Sean Christopher Prosser in Northampton earlier this year.

Northamptonshire Police said the chase began at about 11.45am on August 23 after a member of the public in Northampton town centre called to report a possible drug deal taking place near Commercial Street.

Prosser, 28, of no fixed address, made off on a bicycle when officers arrived.

However, response officer Pc Marks managed to bring him to a halt after driving his police car to Beckets Park.

A member of the public pointed him in the direction of Prosser, who was cycling across the park towards Bedford Road.

Realising his vehicle could not enter the park, Pc Marks asked another member of the public if he could borrow his bike and intercepted Prosser near a car park.

Following a search after being tackled to the ground, Prosser was found to be in possession of a large quantity of cash and phones with messages related to drugs supply.

He was charged with two counts of possession with intent to supply class A drugs, escaping from lawful custody, acquiring/using/possessing criminal property, being concerned in the supply of cocaine, and being concerned in the supply of heroin.

He pleaded guilty to the offences at Northampton Crown Court at the beginning of October and returned last week to the same court, where he was sentenced to three years and eight months in prison.

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ThisIsButter1 (10336.00)

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