
Drunk driver accidentally reports himself to 911 in bizarre highway incident: 'dumb f---'

pic By: ThisIsButter1 (10336.00) Views: 35403 Score: 39 Used: 0 Bookmark: 1 Shares: 67 Downloads: 72

An alleged drunk driver unintentionally reported himself to 911 after calling the cops on a driver he mistakenly thought was going the wrong way on a Nebraska highway.

The Lancaster Sheriff's Office in Nebraska recently released body cam footage showing a deputy pulling over a suspected drunk driver back in March.

The video, released Thursday, includes audio of the unidentified drunk driver calling 911 and telling operators "somebody’s on the wrong side of" Highway 77.

"He had his brights on, man. He almost ran me off the road," the driver is heard telling operators. He repeatedly told the operator that the other car was supposedly driving the wrong way.

"That was gnarly. That was, like, a lot," the driver said.

The sheriff's office video shows a deputy driving on the highway to catch up with the 911 caller and ultimately spotting him. The 911 caller was on the wrong side of the highway, the video shows.

"Do you know why I stopped you?" the officer asked.

"Yeah, because I was on the wrong side of the road," the man responded. "I must’ve missed an exit."

The sheriff's deputy then asked the man whether he was the one who called 911.

"Yep, because I thought someone was on the wrong side of the f–king road, bro," he said.

"But it turned out it was you?" asked the deputy.

"Yep, like a dumb f–k," the suspect admitted.

The sheriff's office said that no one had been injured during the incident. The 911 caller's blood-alcohol content was more than twice the legal limit, and he was arrested, according to authorities.

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ThisIsButter1 (10336.00)

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