
Body camera footage released from CSPD encounters with wanted murderer, Randy Bishop, in 2020

pic By: ThisIsButter1 (10336.00) Views: 2880 Score: 3 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 85 Downloads: 10

Part 1
0:00 - Officer Becker 1
2:20 - Officer Becker 2
3:01 - Officer Mattox
Part 2
3:10 - Officer Coliver
3:20 - Officer Murphy
5:50 - Officer Ownes
8:11 - Officer Weems
The Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) has released body cam footage from the arrest of a man who is now a convicted, Randy Bishop, and an officer involved shooting in January of 2020.

Bishop was arrested in November of 2019 on multiple charges and taken to Memorial Hospital. He escaped custody, struggled with the police officer supervising him, disarmed the officer, and began shooting before fleeing the scene.

The footage released from January 11, 2020 shows a CSPD officer confronting Bishop during a traffic stop for expired plates. The police officer informs him of the reasoning for the stop, and asks Bishop for the vehicle registration and his driver's license. Throughout the interaction, the officer repeatedly tells Bishop to make sure his car is in park, as it continues to inch forward.

Bishop doesn't find a driver's license or registration, and the officer asks Bishop for his name and date of birth. Bishop struggles to tell the officer his personal information, giving him a fake name - "Zacharia Cane".

The officer returned to his patrol car to run the information, confirmed the man's real identity was "Randy Bishop", and then walked back up to Bishop's vehicle. The officer asked him to step out of the vehicle, and Bishop fired a handgun, striking the officer in the chest. The officer survived and Bishop escaped the scene.

On January 26, 2020, CSPD received a call on the whereabouts of Bishop at a house in the 900 block of Tammany Dr. near Sagebrush Park in Colorado Springs. Body camera footage shows multiple patrol cars arriving at the house, including one ramming into the front of Bishop's car as he tried pulling out of the driveway.

With weapons draw, officers yelled for Bishop to step out of the vehicle with his hands in the air. Once out of the car, one CSPD officer demanded Bishop walk backwards towards the sound of his voice.

Bishop walked back slowly, stopping momentarily, causing CSPD officers to yell at him to get on his knees as they charged after him. An officer is shown handcuffing Bishop, as multiple officers check to see if anyone else is in the vehicle. An officer gives the "all clear," but reports that a handgun is in the car on the driver's side.

Bishop was sentenced to life in prison in April 2022 for the murder of Thomas Anthony Faircloth. In July 2022, Bishop was sentenced to an additional 48 years for 2 attempted murders, one against the Colorado Springs Police Officer during the incident on January 11, 2020.

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ThisIsButter1 (10336.00)

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