
Body cam video shows Rural Metro Fire today fighting fire caused by extension cord

pic By: ThisIsButter1 (10336.00) Views: 1736 Score: 2 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 79 Downloads: 9

A few weekend fires are bringing an advisory from Rural Metro Fire (RMF) in Josephine County.

It says a fire destroyed a shop and pickup early this morning in the 200 block of Teel Lane in the New Hope area, southwest of Grants Pass. It says, though no injuries were reported, the fire is one of three fires in three days involving extension cords running to vehicles.

The Office of State Fire Marshal is leading the investigation into its cause.

RMF says the Office of State Fire Marshal concluded the cause of this morning's fire was related to an electrical issue involving an extension cord ran from the shop out to a pickup truck to power a "block heater" used to keep diesel engines warm during cold temperatures. RMF says it remains unclear as to whether the extension cord or block heater failed first.

RMF says today's fire was the third fire in four days involving a power supply cord used to run electrical components in a mobile vehicle, after two RVs were damaged January 20. A similar incident occurred in the Grants Pass area, February 22, 2022.

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ThisIsButter1 (10336.00)

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