
Dirt Floor Engineering P2 Grader gearbox rebuild

pic By: thecleaner (1902.90) Views: 3100 Score: 10 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 61 Downloads: 17

Double bubble.... these guys are stripping down repairing and rebuilding a Caterpillar grader gearbox - as before, to a western eye, using seemingly very unorthodox methods...but to these guys they don't care what anyone thinks or moans about...they just get the job done with little to no finesse... I don't know of any mechanics from any 'roadside' garage that could do this work at this speed and at this cost - which is a fraction of what the dealer would charge.

As stated elsewhere, once the West's facilities lie in total ruins and there aren't any places left to repair any machinery which may have been spared the (rapidly approaching - imho) carnage these guys will be up 'n running and getting what's left of their lot back-up to work. The same cannot be said of most western countries....once the 'net goes down (electric/power, gas, telecommunications etc) there won't be many who could do this sort of work. In the UK they hardly even train mechanics any more whereas these critters learn engines and gearboxes from a very early age. They get good results too.

Again, as before, I appreciate the lack of and the demise of 'ooohhh, look, safety flip flops' or, 'they sound like chipmunks etc' comments...we're above that - aren't we.

Lastly, as you may know these are long vids and require some time investment....however, if TukTuk 25 second vids are your forte you are in the wrong place. You won't find such junk on this channel - sorry 'bout dat.

'You know the thing..

irpg1e Copy
thecleaner (1902.90)

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