
Black Russian Cossacks.

pic By: Jararaka (736.90) Views: 4557 Score: 2 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 124 Downloads: 19

In the comments to one of my videos, I spoke about the diversity of the national population of Russia, and I decided to tell us about our black people living in the Caucasus, or rather, in Abkhazia.

They came to Russia from Ethiopia in the 17th century. How and why - nowadays no longer know.

They settled down, began to be called 'black Abkhazians' - and became Cossack border guards. Already in the 19th century, all Abkhaz blacks spoke only Abkhaz and considered themselves representatives of the Abkhaz people. The rest of the Abkhaz take it for granted without objection.

Nowadays, Black Cossacks live in the villages of Adzyubzha, Kyndyg, Tamysh, Tkhina, Reka, Elyr, Pakvesh, Merkula, Achandara, as well as the city of Sukhum.

Abkhaz blacks are engaged in the cultivation of citrus fruits, grapes, corn, work in the coal mines of Tkuarchala, at the enterprises of Sukhum - a knitting factory, in the port and others. Like many Abkhazians, Abkhazian Negroes speak Russian today. Most of them are assimilated and heavily mestized, many left the Kodor, settling in other parts of Abkhazia, neighboring Georgia and Russia, as well as beyond their borders.

Religion - Islam, Christianity, Judaism.

In Russia, the word 'negr' does not carry an offensive or racist context, it is used simply as a designation of the black color of a representative of the Negroid race.

P.S. In the finale, the song sounds in Ukrainian - local Cossacks in the distant past fled from the territory of present-day Ukraine from the tsarist persecution, the language and dialects have not changed very much since then.

P.P.S. Blade nervously smokes on the sidelines, huh? )))))

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Jararaka (736.90)

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