
Trip to Crimea. September 2013.

pic By: Jararaka (738.90) Views: 4352 Score: 3 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 147 Downloads: 14

Together with a family of my friends we went to Crimea for a week.
In Evpatoria, they rested with their relatives, from there to the capital of Crimea, the city of Simferopol. On the way to Alushta we stopped through the Angarsk pass to the foot of Chatyr-Dag, but did not go up. After Alushta, we examined the Golubovskie Stones, but did not stop there for the night - very large pebbles, it would be inconvenient for a child to approach the sea.
We stopped at Morskoy on the beach, and the next day a storm began. They could not leave either - because of the hurricane, streams of water and clay poured down the serpentine from the passes, it would have been impossible to keep the car.
Therefore, they waited for a lull and went not up, but to the side - in the east there is a steppe zone, and it was possible to drive safely.

We visited the "Land of Cognacs" of Koktebel, bought wine in the Sun Valley, drove up to the camping near Mount Meganom - but there was a storm, and they did not stop there.
We bought food in Kerch and left along the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov - Alena wanted to visit Lake Chokrak with its medicinal mud. On the way we helped a little local shepherds and rode horses.
Well, and there already to the north and home ...

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Jararaka (738.90)

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