

pic By: styafiya (24.00) Views: 14219 Score: 9 Used: 1 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 173 Downloads: 39

Gun down of rappers corruption music business association Summertime is one of the most important parts of the year. Many families go on vacation and do a lot of outdoor activities. In the changing world we live in, we always have artists or songs that we all like, like reggae, hip hop, dancehall, and a lot more. The entertainment world has no fans without the people. The artists make no money and do any type of performance. I was observing the behavior of the new hip hop, roots reggae, and dancehall artists; in hip hop, many female rappers and R&B singers, as well as gays and black young people in America, are adopting the same sex lifestyle. music they are putting out is some good music. I also checked how long it would last for some of them. If you keep your eyes on the human race's future, you will notice that the children are becoming like the stars they listen to. You may argue that this is not the case if you read this article, so do something for me. Stop and check this generation and the population. You will notice family unity and children born. In America, most pop stars are high-light or same sex stars. I checked the record labels and the control they have is the gay nation law. It looks to me like they want everyone to be gay before you can have a high-light in today's entertainment world in America. dealfigureentertainment.co.network

They are doing most of what you see them doing in the video, believe it or not. They are controlling it and they don't want anyone to outshine them. Hip Hop is turning into a blood bath war zone in the year of 2020 or 2021. It can be provided that they shoot down four hundred fifty underground stars and no one gets locked up for all the killing. I am trying to get worldwide attention to let the people know what they are supporting and what type of people are in control of the entertainment. When you are the people, this is what we do. We stand up for ourselves and get one side of the government involved in Jamaica, Queens. In New York City, where I live, people regard me as an informant, writing to one side of the Top Earth Law Government. My experience has led me to stop fighting for what is right. So many people who are doing what they love die and never get to live. The hip hop community, promoters, radio announcers, and record labels know of the many dead, but they don't mention it. I don't see anything in the new paper write about it. Some of the organizations that provide entertainment to the public are involved in the star killings, and hip hop has the most dead stars in the country. The majority of the dead are not mainstream artists; they are targets and are killed for their work. The music industry has become I kill you before you grow and the next star shines with your knowledge, which is what they used the home law for. I believe wry when a star shoots down and no one gets locked up, one side of the government covers up the killing of the mainstream artist while underground, no one goes to jail. allmylinks.com/styafiya

What many people don't know Roots reggae dancehall Hip Hop They are all part of the same large corporation. Their agenda is to rule the world under one banner. If you do anything that will outshine them, you will find yourself in some series of how-tos. They will find a way to sicken, trap, or box shoot you if you are not strong and have the mind to face this corrupt competition. The same thing is going on in Jamaican reggae, dancehall, and hip hop culture. What I see happening on the market right now is entertainment organizations maintaining one type of vibration production, songwriting stage show. Pro-farming music distribution. If you are thinking about doing big business in the entertainment world, you need to keep your eyes open and trust no one. If you are going to create a game changer, they are coming for it. You are going to die for your own creation. They did it to me. This is how I know entrepreneurs recording artists down in Jamaica, West Indies don't make it to have control over who gets put under contract. What most of them don't know is that all the music sales profit goes into someone else's pocket. The same thing goes for the Affiliate Commission. I found that the home government controls the program code. What they do is decode all the starting music accounts and social media pages.

How do I know this? They do that to my account and my online business everyday. If Google deals with entertainment or styafiya, you will see that I am trying to create a web monopoly. When I observe their behavior, they take my new way on high and light it down on the Caribbean. What makes this matter so bad is that the same law harasses me day and night. This has been going on for about fourteen years. I make a lot of complaints and nothing changes.

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Credit: Dealfigure Entertainment Credit Link: https://dealfigureentertainment.co.network
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styafiya (24.00)

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