
Fulshear officer relocates small gator that showed up at resident's front door

pic By: ThisIsButter1 (12769.00) Views: 32405 Score: 30 Used: 0 Bookmark: 2 Shares: 56 Downloads: 112

An officer in Fulshear had quite the scaly surprise on Friday when he had to remove an alligator from a resident's front porch.

While the gator was pretty small, its teeth and hissing, as well as the snapping jaws, were daunting -- but not for Fulshear Police Department Lt. Bill Henry.

We spoke to him Friday afternoon. He said this wasn't even his first gator call of the day!

"So this morning at 7 a.m., we went out to a house in the backyard up next to their wood fence, the alligator was laying there. We used a pole on that one because he was kind of hidden in the vegetation." he said. "Three hours later, we have another call. This one sitting right in the front. You can see there was an Amazon package in the video. He's sitting right there at the front door. So that one, he was relatively small. I felt pretty comfortable, so I walked up there and just grabbed him."

Lt. Henry said both gators were safely relocated to large bodies of water. He said they had so many gators out in Fulshear that they actually trained police recruits on how to deal with them.

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ThisIsButter1 (12769.00)

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