
Chinese army.

pic By: Jararaka (736.90) Views: 8036 Score: 1 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 109 Downloads: 34

Training of Chinese soldiers.

Sound - the song 'Pea grains' of the group 'Nautilus Pompilius', 1987, Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg).

We were raised for a long time
We are peas.
We are now brought together
You can take and eat.

But know and remember -
We are guys without pathos.
We are raised and we are dried
For just eating.

We are raised for generations
To hit the wall.
You've been boiled in soup
They ate you - now you are corpses.

Who said it's useless
Bang your head against the wall?
Hit! Eyes popped on forehead
The forehead turns to flint.

The grains will turn into bullets,
Bullets will be cast into weights.
Such a percussion instrument
We will break through all the walls in the world.

Now you can’t boil us in porridge -
Our muscles have turned to steel.
Practice hitting your forehead against the wall
Let's raise cool friends.

Dumbbells will turn into stones
Stones will turn into walls.
The walls will protect the field.
The harvest is ripening in the field.

Here we are raised
Like pea seeds
Collect grains together
You can take and eat them.

Look - seeds are flying over the field.
Hello my friends!
Blow - peas knock on the wall,
And there were a lot of us.

The grains will turn into bullets.
The bullets will turn into weights.
Such a percussion instrument
We will break through all the walls in the world!

The  dumbbells will turn into stones.
Stones will turn into walls.
The walls protect the field
The harvest is ripening in the field.

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Public Domain
Jararaka (736.90)

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