
Dirt Floor Engineering

pic By: thecleaner (2137.80) Views: 3441 Score: 14 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 14 Downloads: 22

Again, what was once the sole preserve of large western casting foundry's is no more. These days these items can be made by people wearing flip-flops.. they turn out a reasonable product for what they need it for.. obviously if it was destined for a nuclear power station or similar it probably wouldn't do but its not meant for that it's for a Mr Ali down the road who needs a new bucket for his old CAT asap.. after all why pay CAT $750/1000 (approx.) cost in The Stan when you can get these guys to knock one up over the weekend for a third of the cost. The major drawback I can see is the welder often just closes his eyes and tries to shield the flash with the back of his hand when he is just doing a short tacking weld. He is crazy and obviously he hasn't had a dreaded case of Arc-Eye yet where he'll cry and moan for 4 or 5 days as his eyes are so painful and feeling like they have been sandblasted.. he'll be praying to his Higher Power for help (which won't come) and promising that he'll never do it again. This vid comes from a guy called 'The Mechanic' and we thank him for it.

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thecleaner (2137.80)

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