
Facts about the Halloween Night 2022

pic By: frankiemacdonald (401.20) Views: 5673 Score: 14 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 84 Downloads: 12

Here is my facts about the Halloween night in 2022 kids will have a great time going trick or treat all over Canada and USA and all around the world and kids will be dressing up as vampires ghosts goblins Dracula's Frankenstein's and other monsters and super heroes kids will also be dressing up as doctors lawyers hockey players baseball players football players basketball players and golfers and be Real careful on Halloween night since bad kids will be smashing pumpkins and Stay away from bad kids and don't go near bad kids and Halloween is on Monday October 31, 2022 and people will be going to Halloween parties and don't go trick or treating alone it will be bad kids doing bad things like smashing pumpkins and stat away from them Halloween will be all across Canada and USA including Toronto Montreal and Vancouver including Europe Asia Africa Australia New Zealand South America and South Pacific Tropical islands be extra careful walking don't go near bad kids on Halloween night of 2022 be safe.

Frankie MacDonald

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frankiemacdonald (401.20)

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