

pic By: Jararaka (738.90) Views: 4779 Score: 8 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 131 Downloads: 14

It was very beautiful! I walked with great pleasure.

Ryazan - 'Atron' business park, Mayakovsky, Gagarin, Chernovitskaya, Yesenin streets.

The song 'Snow is falling' group 'Flame', 1982.

It's snowing all day today
He falls, twirling silently.
Do you remember when everything was covered with snow then?
It was the snow of our meeting.
He lay in front of us white-white, like a blank sheet of paper,
And it seemed to me that we would write on this sheet the story of our love.

Such a snowfall, such a snowfall
For a long time they do not remember these places.
And the snow did not know and fell,
The land was beautiful, beautiful and pure.

The snow is spinning and flying
It spreads on the ground like smoke
Winter sweeps
Everything before you.

On dropped out on white
On this pure weightless snow,
The very first falls
And timid and timid,
On your similar track.

The snow is spinning and flying
It spreads on the ground like smoke
Winter sweeps
Everything before you.

Open spaces will spread
To the farthest morning star.
And I believe that soon
Your footprints will reach me through the snow.

The snow is spinning and flying
It spreads on the ground like smoke
Winter sweeps
Everything before you.

And the snow lies, as then - white-white, like a blank sheet of paper.
And I want us to wander through the huge city together again,
And so that this magical snow would not become the snow of our separation.

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Public Domain
Jararaka (738.90)

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