
Marion County Sheriff’s Office releases dash cam footage of high-speed chase involving 2 people

pic By: ThisIsButter1 (12521.00) Views: 1457 Score: 4 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 32 Downloads: 20

Getting pulled over for speeding is bad enough in most people’s minds. But deciding to take off and lead authorities on a high-speed chase is definitely not recommended.

The Marion County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) says that’s what a driver, later identified as 30-year-old Kevin Sharkey, decided to do.

On Saturday, July 27, around 6:45 p.m., a deputy initially pulled over a driver for speeding on Northeast 58th Ave. The deputy suspected the driver was also impaired.

Deputies say what happened next made things worse and put a lot of innocent lives in harm’s way.

The sheriff’s office says the driver hightailed it out of there as the deputy approached the vehicle. It’s all captured on the deputy’s dash cam and the sheriff’s office posted an edited video on their Facebook page.

The deputy chases the car, which the video shows it weaves in and out of traffic, crosses the center line and blows through busy intersections.

The pursuit ends after about 13 minutes when the driver ends up in a ditch located at the intersection of US 441 and County Road 326.

The video shows deputies converge on the car with guns drawn.

One MCSO instructs the driver, “Hey, Hands. Hands up!” as he exits the vehicle.

“Step away from my voice!” shouts another deputy.

MCSO arrested the driver, Kevin Sharkey.

The passenger was identified as 33-year-old Shonda Sharkey.

Deputies say during a search of the car, they found fentanyl, methamphetamine and Suboxone, a prescription drug used to treat opioid disorder, among Shonda Sharkey’s belongings. MCSO says that Shonda admitted the drugs belonged to her and they arrested her.

Kevin Sharkey was arrested and charged with:

* Probation Violation (three counts)
* Eluding Police with Disregard of Safety to Persons or Property (one count; Felony)
* Driving with a Suspended License (one count; Misdemeanor)

Shonda Sharkey was arrested and charged with:

* Probation Violation (three counts)
* Possession of Controlled Substance (three counts; all felonies)
* Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (one count; misdemeanor)

Both of them have been placed in the Marion County Jail on bond. MCSO says both of the Sharkeys were already on probation.

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ThisIsButter1 (12521.00)

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