
Atlanta body cam shows Good Samaritans stop man from suicide on Atlanta highway

pic By: ThisIsButter1 (12521.00) Views: 1860 Score: 0 Used: 0 Bookmark: 0 Shares: 68 Downloads: 20

Thanks to two good Samaritans and police assistance, a man was saved from suicide on a busy Atlanta highway, according to the Atlanta Police Department.

On Sept. 4 around 2:30 a.m., two concerned bystanders saw a man dangling from a highway overpass sign near Donald Lee Hollowell Parkway and called 911. When an officer arrived, the man was threatening to jump, police said.

The man refused to speak to the officer but responded to the two men, who “displayed patience, empathy, and understanding and began to build a rapport,” according to police. Eventually, the man agreed to return to safe ground, with help from a responding officer.

“The Atlanta Police Department would like to thank Devante and Jamari for their bravery in assisting Officer Washington on the call and even taking the lead to de-escalate the situation to save someone’s life,” the department said in a statement. “This is a great example of citizens and police working together.”

The man was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital for evaluation, according to police.

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ThisIsButter1 (12521.00)

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