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NYPD cop on horseback chase down alleged thief
A NYPD horse was forced into a high-speed chase down a Manhattan side street when an alleged thief w..
Un uomo salva un bambino autistico di 4 anni del Kansas dall'annegamento – Il video del salvataggio
Un uomo salva un bambino autistico di 4 anni del Kansas dall'annegamento – Il video del salvataggi..
Thief snatched little girls smartphone at bus stop
Passers-by detained a man who robbed a little girl. The man snatched the phone from the hands of an ..
A bunch of stupid kids set a car on fire and rob a car SMH!
A bunch of stupid chavs and wannabe roadmen light a car on fire and rob a car SMH!..
Woman Tries To Rob Gas Station Clerk With Underwear On Top Of Her Head
#GasStationMoments #UnderwearHeadBandit #InsanelyGreatViralVids Don't Forget To SUBSCRIBE Hit The..
Woman dragged behind motorcycle after being robbed
On the afternoon of November 6, a clip of more than 2 minutes was shared on Facebook's social networ..