Speaky's tutorial: HOW TO ENJOY THE WINE?
We italians have a long-standing tradition of drinking wine, and it is an integral part of our cultu..
Speaky's Influencer School
Send a message, ask more infos for my online Influencer School. MAMMA MIA!!!!..
The very first sip of the day (you know what means that moment)
When you take the first sip of beer in a day, it's a moment of pure joy. The cold, refreshing taste ..
Speaky & Friends
Mushrooms are low in calories and high in nutrients, making them a healthy addition to any Italian d..
The DARKEST wine in the world (and most good!)
Even with a strong light very close you can see from the other side...OMG..
Will Speaky succeed?
The tradition of offering drinks to guests dates back to ancient Rome, where it was customary to off..
Tell to Speaky! FIRST ANSWER
The Italian way to drink: We italians have a deep appreciation and love for wine, considering it a..