search for keyword: 'Weekend Cinema Cinema'
Weekend Cinema - Number Nine Number Nine Number Nine...
Caution: This could be mind numbing bad so always practice safe software and always Click Wisely. (y..
Weekend Cinema - Down the Tube..
Caution: Rail Related Malarkey of the Highest order - so, No TTM's or TK's. It's aimed more at RC's ..
Weekend Cinema - Forward to First Principals. 1966
A BTF (British Transport Film) Classic about what's happening on the lines during and after the chan..
Weekend Cinema Matinee - Moving Millions 1947
another ethnographers dream film.. back when London was still a great city and before the madness of..
Weekend Cinema - welding together a tanker..
never really thought about how the road-fuel-tankers were fabricated.. you can either go to one of t..
Weekend Cinema - Highway of Steel
the story of Iron ore coal and make steel - and loads of it.. Britain needs millions ..
Weekend Cinema - Dirt Floor Engineering
From The Stan - making sprockets for bicycles and motor cycle wheels from dismantled ship steel...
Weekend Cinema - Mainline Diesel Engine Building
An awesome little film from 1948 of the making of the first mainline diesel engine in Great Britain ..
Weekend Cinema - On The Line. Points & Aspects
Caution: this is Rail Related Malarkey of The Highest Order and if it's not your idea of fun well, y..
Weekend Cinema - 617 The Very Last Vulcan Flight
Everyone in the world (excepting 17 souls scattered around the planet) has seen most of the films (p..
Weekend Cinema - Down t'pit..
Another ethnographers dream film of old.. 1941, The British Council which very briefly was an organi..
Weekend Cinema - Master Hands p3 - 1936
Extract from the Classic 'Master Hands' p3 This is high drama, pretentious filmmaking and one of ..