search for keyword: 'Voters'
Employees of Conservative Companies Go To Work
The biggest employers of illegal immigrants in the USA are the agriculture and construction industry..
Chattanooga city council candidate Mott claims officer harassment at traffic stop
0:00 - Body cam 1 14:43 - Body cam 2 ----- Video shows Chattanooga District 8 City Council candid..
Georgia sheriff and city sergeant threaten to arrest each other
“You get on my traffic stop again, I will arrest you!,” Sgt. Tracy James told Sheriff Ken Hender..
The USA is Screwed
These are typical voters in the USA, people who believe the nonsense they find on the web, people wh..
Darkest Days In U.S. History – Mike Lindell On Where/How to Fight Back! Ledger Report 1160
The southern border is under attack from within. Hundreds of thousands of illegals are decimating ou..
Greatest Indictment Vote by Mail Not Reported by MSM – Ledger Report 1152.mp4
A little known non-profit called Public Interest Legal Foundation has released a rather large (and i..
Sidney Powell Exclusive Bombshell– Trump Could Be Reinstated This Summer!
Graham Ledger and Sidney Powell agree: if the Arizona election audit produces solid, documented evid..
Even Switzerland Knows The Truth For The G7 Summit
The whole world is not as dumb as the people we have right here in the USA that believes with all th..
Good news: More and more Republicans refuse Covid19 vaccine
Surely there will be less Republican voters in the next election...